Due Diligence

We assist owners in assessing the Building Envelope prior to the purchase of a building with a focus on roofing, windows, doors, exterior walls, glass, and waterproofing. Our due diligence would include visual observations and potentially use of infrared and other non-destructive investigation methods to best determine the overall condition of the building(s).

We can utilize infrared equipment and related testing techniques to pinpoint even the smallest leakage or failure, providing you with reports to help you remediate issues before they derail your project.

Condition Survey

We assist owners and building managers in assessing the Building Envelope of existing buildings as part of periodic maintenance/ inspections, or if the buildings are showing signs of deterioration. Our condition survey would include visual observations and potentially water testing and destructive investigation with a focus on roofing, windows, doors, exterior walls, glass, and waterproofing.

Causation Assessment

We assist owners and building managers in assessing the causation of water intrusion, damage or deterioration of Building Envelope components at existing buildings. This can be done as part of periodic maintenance/ inspections, or to address reported leaks or noted signs of deterioration. Our assessment would include visual observations and potentially water testing and destructive investigation with a focus on roofing, windows, doors, exterior walls, glass, and waterproofing.

For Condition Surveys and Causation Assessment, MIS can coordinate with the owner's team to determine the estimated cost of repair or future maintenance needs.

If you own or are looking to purchase a property, MIS can assist you in determining the condition of the various Building Envelope components to help identify potential areas of concern and protect your investment!